Courtship Feeding Between Hornbills

Courtship feeding between hornbills occur before the nesting season. The male presents the female with a fruit as a declaration of commitment. This fruit is passed back and forth a couple of times before the female consumes it as a sign of acceptance. The pair then proceeds to nest. This dating ritual resumes when the pair is ready for another nesting season.

The male hornbill takes on the crucial role of sole provider, often traveling great distances to find the best offerings for his trapped queen. As the chick grows, the demands for nourishment intensify, with the young needing protein-rich insects and small reptiles. After months of dedicated foraging, the moment arrives when the female breaks free from the sealed nest. She then steps in to share the responsibility, helping to feed their growing chick. Nesting seasons can span from 3 to 6 months, depending on the species.